Singapore Rubik's Cube Competition 2017
Open Category

General information:


Registration for Open Category has closed.

Thank you for your interest in the Open Category competition! We have closed the registration for our Open Category competition on 4 Feb because the 200-competitor limit has been reached. Kindly do not make any more payment to us. Please follow us on facebook (at the toolbar above) and stay tuned for our competitions in the future!

Registration Instructions


Day 1 (at LT31 and S16-0307):

Day 2 (at LT27):


*Cutoff time: If both the final results of the first 2 attempts, out of 5 attempts exceed the cutoff time for that event, the competitor will not be allowed to have the last 3 attempts. (For events with 3 attempts, if the final result of the 1st attempt exceed the cutoff time, the competitor will not be allowed to have the last 2 attempts.)
A 'DNF' is considered as exceeding the cutoff time.

**For 3x3 Blindfolded, 15 minutes is the cumulative time limit for the 3 attempts.

The formats and the number of participants advancing for each round of each event of the competitions will be subjected to changes according to the number of participants/time constraints at the discretion of the organizer NUS Mathematics Society.


Top three participants from each event will receive prizes and certificates sponsored by Cubewerkz.

Our Sponsor

Cubewerkz is proud to be the sponsor for the Singapore Rubik's Cube Competition 2017.

If you have any puzzles needs such as individual purchase of competition standard puzzles and cubing related accessories, you can get them though 21 outlets at Toy Outpost, Hako and PeekABox islandwide.


This official version preorder $20. Actual day purchase is $25. Please email to Payment to be made for preorder. Bank transfer to 085-72651-0.

The exact location can be found on ToyOutpost website.

For bulk purchase for schools, you can contact (mobile 98463750) directly.